Cancellation Policy:

You have the option to cancel your order at any time before the product is dispatched. If your order has been shipped but not yet delivered, you can still cancel it and receive a full refund. However, if the order has already been shipped and you choose to cancel it, you will be responsible for the courier/payment gateway costs. Refunds will be processed immediately upon cancellation, with a maximum processing time of 24 working hours. Subsequent processing time will be subject to the policies of the payment gateway.

Return Eligibility:

To be eligible for a return, the goods must be in their original packaging and unopened, and must be sent back to the Sarvarth company head office. Within 2 days of receiving the goods, you must send an email with appropriate images demonstrating any damage or defects in the packaging. If the product is found to be damaged upon opening the parcel, pictures of the damaged product may be required. Any products received under a free scheme must also be returned with the purchased product.


If your order has been shipped but not delivered, you can cancel the order and receive a full refund. After delivery, refunds are applicable in the following cases:

– Quality issues: Pictures or a small video of the product must be required.

– Late delivery: If the delivery exceeds the shipping time declared in the shipping policy, you will need to return the product in its original packaging to be eligible for a refund.

To request a refund, please email stating the reason for your request. Partial or complete refunds are at the discretion of Sarvarth after inspecting the product through pictures, videos, or physically. Refund processing will commence within 4 to 5 working days, with further processing time dependent on the payment gateway. Products purchased under a scheme with freebies must be returned along with the freebies to be eligible for a refund.

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